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How to Fix Laptop Keyboard with Water Damage?

Nowadays, laptops are essential electronic devices in everyone’s life, whether you want to play games, work, or watch something. Sometimes, a little carelessness can cause massive damage to such devices. Water, an enemy of all electronic devices, can harm your laptop. Spilling water all over your keyboard can cause issues to the workings of your laptops in more ways than imaginable. This article will address the significant steps you can take to fix the laptop keyboard damage by water. 

Get to explore the detailed Step-by-Step Guide in the following paragraphs!

Immediate Action 

As soon as you spill any beverage, be it water, coffee, soft drink, or anything else, you must immediately shut your PC down. You can also unplug it from any power source, tilt it to remove water, and dry it immediately. The first thing you can do after the water spillage is turn the power of your PC off and unplug it if it is plugged into any energy source. In addition to this, you can remove the battery if possible. 

Use a Lint-Free Cloth 

The first thing that will strike your mind is drying the water with paper, a napkin, or any cloth. You must not use any cloth to soak water from your keyboard. You have a lint-free cloth to clean it. Paper towels or tissue paper tend to add dust to your laptop’s keyboard keys. It is advised to use a lint-free cloth to do that. 

Let It Air Dry

You must have seen DIY videos online where rice is used to soak water. Do not do that. Instead, let the keyboard open in the air and dry. You can use silica gel packs to dry the water and accelerate the process. These gel pads effectively absorb moisture. Don’t hurry to use your laptop; keep it aside and let it dry for hours. 

Prevention of Corrosion 

Once your laptop is completely dry, you can clean the keyboard with isopropyl alcohol. This will help you eliminate any residue that can cause corrosion. You can also use compressed air to remove any drop of water left from the keyboard.

Remove Keyboard Keys

If you have followed all the instructions to dry your laptop keys, you must unscrew them. Yes, you can’t do it alone; you will need the help of professionals. Seek help from the HP Service Center Chandigarh to get the best assistance for your laptop if it gets damaged due to water spillage. 

Preventive Measure After Fixing Your Laptop

Once your laptop has recovered from this blunder, you must take preventive measures or safety precautions to save it in the future. Add a high-quality keyboard cover to protect it from damage from spillage. Use coasters on your desk to prevent accidental spills. Keep your laptop on an elevated surface to prevent damage to spills.

Also read: How to Protect Laptop from Water Damage?

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Some common mistakes must be avoided to save your laptop’s keyboard from water damage. These mistakes can be easily avoided if you want to make your laptop work effectively. 

  • Using a hair dry or heat gun.
  • Trying to turn on the laptop
  • Delayed action 
  • Using Rice
  • Ignoring professional help 

To conclude, laptops are expensive and cannot be bought frequently, so caring for them properly is essential to prolong their life. Some tips above can help you fix a laptop keyboard that has water damage. If these tricks don’t work, you are advised to consult a professional. These professionals have experience and expertise with such kinds of accidents and will provide you with the right suggestions to cure them. In addition to taking preventive measures, you must avoid some common mistakes in order to save your laptop from further damage. 

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